God's Poster Child

>> Wednesday, February 17, 2010

“Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have called you by name; you are Mine.”
Isaiah 43:1b

One night, while talking to another mom at a sporting event, our tongues got a little loose while we chatted—especially mine. Free-flying words turned to gossip. After I left, I felt sick to my stomach. I emailed an apology as soon as I got home.

Her response caught me off guard. She said, “It’s okay, Laura. Actually it’s kind of nice to know you make mistakes too. You’re like the super Christian, super Mom and everything. It kinda makes me feel better to know you’re human.”

Okay, WoWzer. How could this woman not know that I’m a mess?!? Super Christian…not! Super Mom…be a fly on the wall of my home, and you will strip the big red letter “S” off my chest in a hurry. For whatever reason, she had the impression that I was “put together.”

For years, I tried to be. And I know many women that are struggling to do the same thing. We want to be it all, don’t we? Think about it…

We wanna be…
*Confident, fashionable and fit.
*Incredible moms who never have to raise our voices.
*Women who can cook and clean, whistlin’ while we’re doin’ it.
*Scheduled, structured and in-control.
*Available. I can drop everything to help a friend in need.
*Double available. They need my help at church.
*Wise and discerning…able to counsel others.

On and on—and all of these are further complicated by that which we think others expect us to be. The harder we try, the harder we fail. And if we’re not careful, we’ll end up just like the rest of the world—helpless, hopeless, desperate and dependent.

If you’re already set free from this way of living, that is awesome. Celebrate by helping me share this good news with the rest. Ready?

You—precious believing sister in Jesus Christ—YOU—are God’s poster child. Not the kind that shouts out, “Look at me—I’m something!” But one that shows others what God has done in and through You as you’ve thrown your hands in the air, surrendering to His awesome ability. “Lookie at what God did. He saved me for His name’s sake, to make His mighty power known!” (Psalm 106:8)

Over the years, I have learned how deeply and perfectly God loves this daughter of His. But it’s not because of anything I’ve done, but because of who He is in me. Believe me, I don’t have it together. Just as Paul said, “I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it.” It is when my heart stays in a constant stance of prayer that the fruit of the Holy Spirit spills out and behaves like a loved daughter of the King through me.

The same is true of you, sister in Christ. He lavished His love on you and called You his child. And that is what you are! (from 1 John 3:1)

Nothing you do or don’t do will cause Him to love you more or less. You may have those days where you feel like the least qualified person on the planet to hold the title of Christian, Woman, Wife, Mother, Sister, Daughter, Friend. But because He holds the title of Sovereign Lord and Master of the Universe, He will help you to accomplish what He’s asked you to do, as you willingly hand all titles over to Him.
“The One who calls you is faithful, and HE will do it.”
1 Thessalonians 5:23, NIV (emphasis mine)
So what’s your story? Do you think you’re too much of a mess to make a difference for God in this world? Do you look around at other Christians and think you’ll never be as good as they are? Do you listen to a message, only to hear to condemnation instead of hope? (See Romans 8:1).

The Lord is saying just the opposite. He wants you “to grasp how wide and long and high and deep” His love is for you, confident that He will fill you “to the measure of all the fullness of God.” Not so we can have a grand title for ourselves, but so that He can receive the glory and honor that belong to Him.
And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into His likeness with ever-increasing glory,
which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”
2 Corinthians 3:18

We are HIS poster daughters, mess and all.


Twinkle Mom @ Sunflower Faith February 17, 2010 at 9:00 AM  

Thank you for this very touching and transparent post.

(Saying this with a straight face, just in shock that you are not superwoman..what! When did that happen! I thought you were, isn't that a red cape peeking from under your collar?)

Personal story-I've had many who would tell me that they thought I was "sooooo perfect" and have it all together and so amazing because I cook at home and the house is clean but they don't realize they just see snapshots of what we want them to see and they don't see the daily grind of life in our household.Sad part. I've lost friendships from people who think I have it all together and already judge without even looking at the real picture.

Even when I say, look, I have faults, I make mistakes, but that this is my "sliver of life" that they see pieces of and unless they take the time to really get to know me as vice versa and see the "whole picture" that can't be mashed into a first meeting, it's not reflective of our own lifestyle choices, doesn't mean that they have to be the same way and there is no competition.

We're all human beings...all have fallen from grace and we all make mistakes.

Truth is....I feel like a mess. I am still working through the "I have nothing to offer to our Heavenly Father" feeling that I get.

When you shared,"Do you look around at other Christians and think you’ll never be as good as they are?

For the longest time, I felt unworthy to even speak a "Hi" to a fellow Christian. Lol, I often felt, why would a fellow Brother, much less a fellow Sister care what I have to say or about me at all, that there was this "level" I had to reach to be deem worthy to be spoken to...lol.

Sadly there are some who tend to project a perfection that they don't realize can be seen as un-welcoming or intimidating versus loving or inviting, but for the most part, I think we do it to ourselves as well.

I feel that we need to remember that it's not a clique-we're all Brothers and Sisters in Christ;Members of the same family and our Father didn't say, just love a few, or in a group, but by calling ourselves "Christians" that means, that we can't pick an choose whom we love, it's all on the same level. We can't pick and choose which Christian to like or love-our Father in Heaven doesn't.

I also feel that part of that inclues that we start with stopping with the looking at other people and comparing ourselves to them. and remembering we don't live their lives or what they went through to get where they are...it's not cookie cutter nor do they live our life.

We're unique in what we have to offer to our Father and it doesn't make us less or more special, but at the same time, we are the same because we serve ONE: Our Heavenly Father-It's not about us or what we want.

This reminds me of a verse I shared yesterday,"And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for[a] you serve the Lord Christ. Colossans 3:23-34 (NKJV)

I really enjoyed your post because I think it just really focus on an unspoken yet spoken issue how we just elevated others sometimes to the point that we tend to make ourselves feel bad about ourselves about unrealistic assumptions of others.

We think they are so much better and let envy, jealous and hate to say this, but contempt, creep into our relationships and sever them when it shouldn't be the case. We are all imperfect human beings with one common goal-serving our Heavenly Father in each of our OWN way.

The grass isn't greener really on the other side of the fence, because that person next door is a human being, imperfect, and not a superhero.

Unless their last name is Kent and the dad works for a major metropolitan newspaper and wears glasses and seems to never stick around and "flys off" on some important business.

melissa Taylor February 17, 2010 at 10:51 AM  

Girl I'm a mess right there with ya! And one who is thankful for the restoration and forgiveness of Jesus each and every day.

Thanks for writing about what so many of us need to be reminded of daily!

Much Love,

Tina Lee February 17, 2010 at 3:44 PM  

Loved what I read. Your blog is full of good stuff. Thank you for sharing.

Sharlyn Guthrie February 17, 2010 at 6:32 PM  

Your poster in itself is worth 10,000 words! I feel just like your picture looks often. Thanks for the reminders that God's love and forgiveness is more than sufficient at those times. Hugs!

Terri Tiffany February 19, 2010 at 4:40 PM  

Thank you for your prayers for me on my job--your post makes me think I am trying too hard some days to do it all. I too have been there where I didn't think I was spiritual enough or knew how to pray right or whatever and am finally comfortable in being who I am and knowing GOd loves me!

elaine @ peace for the journey February 19, 2010 at 4:56 PM  

Who could forget this picture?! Loved it the first time; loved it again...

I'm a complete mess, sister, 'cause I'd hate for you to stand alone.

Love you...


Susannah February 21, 2010 at 1:05 PM  

I thank God we're a work in progress... some day we'll be perfect, but that's not now. Sigh.

Cute poster!

Blessings, e-Mom @ Chrysalis

Anonymous,  February 21, 2010 at 6:06 PM  

Laura Lee ~ Great post. It's so important to be real with each other. I'm not sure there is such a thing as being put together. No one I know would ever say they were, but always seem to know others they perceive that way. We're all at different points on the journey. We clean up one mess and another one breaks out! LOL! I am grateful for the grace of Jesus Christ.

Anonymous,  June 3, 2010 at 11:49 AM  

I LOVE what I read on here. All Truth
and personal so we can all relate.

Thank you for reminding me of the Grace of God!

Brooklyn@Step by Step

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