Need some devos to do with your kids this summer?

>> Friday, July 2, 2010

Over the past few months, I've received a handful of emails over some kids devotions the Lord inspired me to write several years ago. Many have asked to use these with their kids' groups at church, and a few asked permission to print the whole precious gramma wanted me to know she was doing the devos with her grandchildren. Another asked if I were going to put them in a book. Believe it or not, there are very few books out there for kids, ages 6-10, about friendship (at least co-ed). This project is unique, in that it's designed for parents to read with their children...ask questions, get 'em talkin'. It's tough for young'uns to figure out the friend thing these days, what with all the zingers, sarcasm and ruthlessness the media and society have to offer them. That's why they benefit when we as parents stay involved, help 'em through it.

So here's the deal. No, I don't plan to pitch them to a publisher. I might put them in an ebook someday just for fun. But I want anyone who wants to use them for ministry purposes to feel free to use them as wanted or needed. They're free. Spread them around. I enjoyed going through them with my own children, and I hope you'll do the same with yours.

My only requests are that you don't alter them or try to sell them yourself, which I know you would never do,  (had to mention it anyway), AND that you drop me a line if you feel led about what you or your kids/grandkids/students learned while doing them. That would bless my flip-flops off. ;)

You can find them right here. May the Lord use them for His glory!


Joanne Sher July 3, 2010 at 9:57 AM  

You are SO gracious, dear LaLee. I WILL use them with my kids.

dandelionfleur July 3, 2010 at 3:13 PM  

I couldn't find much in the way of devos when my kids were that age, either. We ended up reading very old fiction to them--which they liked--but something up-to-date would have been nice, too.

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